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VIDEO No.20140417

8 minutes 55 seconds

Video | Single-channel video

Sound, colour, HD

Edition of 3


Plenty of roes swim energetically in the river channel in spring, but the riverbank is chilly and desolate.



VIDEO No.20140706

7 minutes 28 seconds

Video | Single-channel video

Sound, colour, HD

Edition of 3


A Video work for Arrow Factory project, Summer night inside the show window, 

an oscillating fan blowing the video which captured the daytime of daily life around.


Tourist NO.201408250903

39 minutes

Video | Single-channel video

Cellphone recording, HDGOPRO, color

Edition of 5


I followed a Ford Explorer team travelling in Alaska and make video of the trip.




VIDEO No.20140417

22 minutes 20 seconds

Video | Single-channel video

Sound, colour, HD

Edition of 3


In the morn, a POV shot moves into a city of skyscrapers with a car, accompanied by tire noises and slight sounds of a record played in the car. The sky starts to grow lighter. With the movement of the camera, the city is becoming denser and denser and it looks like a black tomb. The background sound is the song about trifles in life from the car CD player, which is sung by Tom Waits in a small bar.


暗夜清晨,主观镜头开车进入高楼林立的城市,有胎噪声和轻微的车内唱片声,天色渐渐亮起来,随着镜头地流动,越来越密集的城市看起来如同黑色的墓冢。背景声音是车里的cd机放着Tom Waits在小酒馆里唱着生活的种种唧歪…


25 minutes 34 seconds

Video | Single-channel video

Sound, colour, HD

Edition of 3


A video which was produced in the Residency of Hamburg, doing research of what does Hanna's work means.

And also doing some ink drawing works at the same time.


在汉堡驻留期间,基于对Hanna Darbovend 的绘画研究,创作出的一条录像。同期也做了一些绘画尝试。

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