I Love Oleander
single-Channel video / 16:9 / HDv / color/ Dual channel/ 22mins / 2007
《我爱夹竹桃》这个名字,是因为上海一整年大部分的时候,路边和公园里都开着大片的夹竹桃。记忆里从小到大,这些不起眼的植物一直在这个城市里,经受着刮风下雨和风吹日晒,叶子上也总是蒙着灰。夹竹桃的汁液有毒性,折断的时候会流出白色的液体。好像这个城市里散布着的大片的人群,每一天工作, 上班,上课,吃饭,睡觉,谈恋爱, 结婚,离婚,生老病死,然后喝酒聊天唱歌,日复一日的重复生活。 所以我只是拍了一个平常的周末聚会,吃饭,聊天,谈论工作,房贷,工资,装修,等等。以及最平常的聚会娱乐方式卡拉ok, 唱歌,跳舞,喝酒。理想和感性被生活的现实面目掩盖起来,只在不经意的醉眼里流露出对年少时追求过的生活的细碎反映. 仿佛一切都归于平凡,血液也象夹竹桃的汁液一样,变成无色无味略带着哀伤的冷静. 不知道该怎么形容这种日常的感觉,但也许每个生活在生活里的人都会有些许感同身受的反应吧。
I love Oleander is a normal night entertainment of shanghai young people. After work, their life consists of meeting friends, dinner, drinking a lot and sing in Karaoke, talking about the very reality life about many things. Way to relax is not too much. Maybe just don’t think and just work and play to enjoy the whole life…
single-Channel video / 16:9 / HDv / color/ Dual channel/ 21mins 12secs / 2007
The single white-collar women go traveling to Hong Kong, live in cheap hotels, buy discount goods, and go to the Disneyland alone, taking photos by themselves. It is the same case in Macao. They do not talk with others and play with themselves. They seem very happy.
single-Channel video / 16:9 / HDv / color/ Dual channel / 2mins / 2006
给 Femlink 做的2分钟短片,关于女孩的记忆,在沙发上痛经,看着窗外的孩子们游戏,想着大雾里的某个早晨。
2 min short video for Femlink, about girl's memories, 3 pieces of captured together, Dysmenorrhea on the sofa, watching kids playing game outside window, recall some memory of a morning in the fog.